Bold & Beautiful


Our Bold & Beautiful arrangement will radiate color and brightness.  Again, this is a designer’s choice arrangement filled with a colorful mix of seasonal flowers.  If there is a particular color pallet you are interested in, please let me know and I will do my best to make it happen.  For an additional fee you can add a succulent for your loved one to plant themselves as a reminder of your gift of love.  See below for all other pertinent information.

SKU: N/A Category:

Standard processing time is 48 business hours (unless I am working a wedding).  If you place your order and processing time is expected to exceed 48-72 hours, I will call you to advise.  Once your arrangement is made, I will send a photo of the completed arrangement prior to delivery, so be sure when you check out you leave me your phone. - Angella

Delivery & Pickup
Delivery not to exceed 10 miles from Lodi, CA (95240) //Pick-Up available @ Howard's Barber Shop, 305 N. Pleasant Ave., Lodi, CA (see Curtis)

Messages & Instructions
You can add a message to be included with your arrangement.

When checking out please be sure to leave me your phone # or email.  I will need to this information to send a photo of your completed arrangement prior to delivery and/or to notify you when your order is ready for pick-up - Angella, Owner & Designer EllaBee Flowers.